Archive for ‘November, 2018’

Global trade

Each year, nearly twice the number of Ikea catalogues are printed than copies of the bible. This makes it the most printed book in the world. Much of what Ikea sell is manufactured in the Far East and transported to its stores in the West. The paper ships in this illustration are made from pages from the current Ikea catalogue.

paper ships - global trade

paper ships – global trade

Beach plastic project

These photographs are of fishing line found on a North Pembrokeshire beach and are part of a project on plastic in the sea. More images of this project will appear shortly.

Abandoned fishing line found on a Welsh beach

Abandoned fishing line found on a Welsh beach

Abandoned fishing line found on a Welsh beach

Abandoned fishing line found on a Welsh beach

Abandoned fishing line found on a Welsh beach

Abandoned fishing line found on a Welsh beach

Abandoned fishing line found on a Welsh beach

Abandoned fishing line found on a Welsh beach

Abandoned fishing line found on a Welsh beach

Abandoned fishing line found on a Welsh beach
