Archive for ‘February, 2015’

Customer video testimonials

Happy customers make great video testimonials

Customer video testimonials are a highly effective way of promoting your product or service. Your satisfied customer will reassure potential clients and show that others have used your company and are satisfied with the service you gave them. Your presenter may also use the video to recommend your business to others.

The testimonial isn’t ‘pushy’ as it is presented by your customer rather than a representative of your business. The audience can see and hear your presenter speaking in their own words, it therefore helps to build trust in your business.

Video testimonials can be placed on your home page or on a previous client page.


There are three stages in creating a video testimonial

Pre Production

This typically involves, identifying your target audience, selecting your ‘star’ customers to deliver the testimonials, storyboarding the shoot and negotiating with the contributors.


Filming, digitisation and capture of all media to be used for the testimonial.

Post Production

Editing audio, video, stills and captions.

The Cost

Prices for video testimonials start from £650.

Photo films can also be used to present testimonials. Your customer is recorded answering a few questions after which images and video is shot. The elements are then edited together to produce the final testimonial. The advantage of the photo-film testimonial is that there are also a set of still images which may be used for other applications such as PR and social media.

If you would like more detailed information give us a call on 07973 631185 or send us an email at

Video DSLR set up for shooting a video testimonial

Video DSLR set up for shooting a video testimonial

Food photography for Marshfield Farm Ice Cream

With product and food photography it is essential that the serious photographer familiarises themselves with the item to be photographed before the shoot, and ice cream is NO exception. With a highly professional approach to my subject, I had to familiarise myself with several scoops of ice cream before I was anywhere near ready to proceed with the photography.

Marshfield Farm Ice Cream near Bath have just added some new flavours to their range and I was asked to photograph them. The new flavours include Sea Salt and Caramel, Luscious Lemon and Candy Floss.

The images are to be used for point of sale, press, public relations, trade journals and on social media. In the run up to the shoot, the client, art director and I discussed the new flavours, agreed a shooting plan and decided on props and settings for each of the pictures.

Marshfield Ice Cream Seasalt and Caramel

Marshfield Ice Cream Seasalt and Caramel

We chose props and locations that complemented the products without overpowering the shot. For the Lemon flavour we kept the palette simple and clean to reflect the fresh taste of this product. For the Sea Salt and Caramel we found some large pebbles and slates and a salt scoop that had a similar colour to the ice cream. The Candy Floss flavour was more playful and aimed at a younger market so we used brightly coloured props around the ice cream.

With a wide range of potential uses the high resolution files were often over 100MB in size, these images provided sufficient detail for most print applications and could be resized for lower resolution applications.

Sea Salt and Caramel - serving suggestion

Sea Salt and Caramel – serving suggestion

Marshfield Ice Cream Candy Floss flavour

Marshfield Ice Cream Candy Floss flavour

Marshfield Ice Cream - Blueberry Frozen Yoghurt

Marshfield Ice Cream – Blueberry Frozen Yoghurt

You can see more examples of my food photography in my food gallery

London Marathon 2015

I will be running the London Marathon in April for the Bath based charity, Rainforest Concern. This will be my third marathon and training doesn’t get easier. I hope to cross the finishing line within 4 hours but as most runners would agree crossing the start line is quite an achievement.

I am aiming to raise over £1000 for the charity, if you would like to sponsor me please visit my Just Giving page and I occasionally post about the slow progress of my training plan on Twitter @NigelGoldsmith.

Nigel Goldsmith - London Marathon 2012

London Marathon 2012
